Refresh the Soul

                 In the past two years my friendships have all changed because of distance. Distance took one to India, one to Spain, it has brought new ones, and others came in and out of my life due to distance. Distance hasn`t taken these friendships away, don`t get me wrong, it has actually made most of them stronger. But at the same time God knows the loneliness in my heart and my longing for relationship whether it be someone to go to dinner with or a man to call me his own. And I am so thankful through my jobs he has continued to provide me with these friends who have not only been there to just hang out and have fun, but they have really taught me a lot and helped me grow. 

           My friendships have been so random and funny but here are two girls I just love hanging out with. Luba is this talented, crazy Russian whom I love. She is bold and beautiful and did I say talented? I don`t know really anything she cannot do... other than maybe ride a horse ;) Racheal is this hilarious goofball who can always put me in a better mood and make me laugh. Our dogs love to hang out and we just have fun together!

         More friends that I don`t have current photos with are sweet Logan-this random girl who walked into my life in microbiology and she has a heart for God that challenges me through all she has walked through in her young life... she has joy and has peace and she wants to give back and love others first. Logan thanks for being my friend. Our sushi dates are so great. I have to mention Deb who is an old friend but becoming a closer friend. Deb has watched me walk through a lot and she herself has walked through a lot, yet she never ceases to run to God with open arms and to let herself be vulnerable and open before him. She is my prayer warrior and she loves to pray. I cannot explain how thankful I am for that. Every time we meet she makes it a priority to pray together, this encourages my spirit more than I can describe. And skype dates with plea... I will have to live with at least until Thanksgiving when we can hang out face to face. I love your stories and your rants and I miss them everyday we don`t talk and when I come home to an empty apartment (other than shark).

     Today I want to thank God for these friends. For these people he has placed in my path and how he has been so faithful to provide meaningful relationships in my life. God has placed friends into my path for his perfect purpose... to push me, challenge me, encourage me, help me, pray for me, sometimes even hurt me. There is no perfect friend on earth. My expectations will never be fully met. I can only hope and pray to be the friend I expect others to be to me. But I still have to deal with the hurt and the heartache that comes with sinners being in relationship. I have learned more about my walk with God through friends than any other way.

      Most of all I thank God today for all the times when I have been alone, literally, and he never left me. He revealed himself as my one and only true best friend and for that I am eternally grateful.


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