You are for me, You are for us
I’ve been lonely but never alone
Even when I’ve wondered far from home
Each and every moment you were there
Though it must have seemed I didn’t care
Lost in my own wandering
Never looking back
How many times I’ve failed you
I don’t know ‘cause I’ve lost track
But you’re still here
You never left my side
You never let me go
You never let me get so lost
That you can’t bring me home
You’re still here, Jesus
You’re still here
Now that I know your love, peace I’ve found
But that doesn’t mean I’ve settled down
With your word you send me and I go
That you go too is all I need to know
Where ever you send me
What ever you bid me do
When the road ahead is dark
I will not fear for I’m with you
‘Cause you’re still here
You never left my side
You never let me go
You never let me get so lost
That you can’t bring me home
You’re still here, Jesus
You’re still here
Even when I’ve wondered far from home
Each and every moment you were there
Though it must have seemed I didn’t care
Lost in my own wandering
Never looking back
How many times I’ve failed you
I don’t know ‘cause I’ve lost track
But you’re still here
You never left my side
You never let me go
You never let me get so lost
That you can’t bring me home
You’re still here, Jesus
You’re still here
Now that I know your love, peace I’ve found
But that doesn’t mean I’ve settled down
With your word you send me and I go
That you go too is all I need to know
Where ever you send me
What ever you bid me do
When the road ahead is dark
I will not fear for I’m with you
‘Cause you’re still here
You never left my side
You never let me go
You never let me get so lost
That you can’t bring me home
You’re still here, Jesus
You’re still here
Lord thank you for taking me from a place of brokenness and depravity, every single day, and putting me in a place of freedom and restoration. You give me more grace (James 4:6) and bring healing to my life with new mercies every morning. Jesus you reign. Thank you that you are still here, after five long years of dealing with my sin and rebellion. Thank you that you can always bring me home.
He who began a good work in you, he’s not going to quit on the work he started in you. You probably at some point will quit on the work that he started in you. But he’s not going to quit on the work that he started in you. He’s going to carry that work on all the way until its completed and when the day comes that you see Jesus he says I’m going to have completed the work that I started to do in you.
God is for us. God is for you. I’m not asking whether you’re for him, but I’m telling you he’s for you. God is for you. He is on the scene. He is at work. He’s committed. He signed on to the process of completing the work. In making you into the image of Jesus Christ. He says I’m going to hang in there in that process, all the days of your life. God is for you.
He is so for you. And all the dreams that he’s put in motion in your life. He’s for you.
-Louie Giglio
Beautiful words; beautiful photo. I needed these words too, today. If God is for us, who can be against us? God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive together with Christ. He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love. Bless you Lesley!