Adopt a Grandparent
Last year I began an adventure with my Mary Kay business to start an Adopt a Grandparent fundraiser. This was of course a creative spin off of my business with Mary Kay to find a way to give back to my community but it was also the outcome of weeks of serving Fritzi who I had met the year before at 92 years old with not a single family member or relative around. Last year she was thankful I spent the money to cook her one of her favorite meals. That is all she asked for because she knew she had nothing. The fact is in taking care of Fritzi and in working full-time for Warm Hearth (A retirement facility) I am constantly becoming aware of how the elderly are slipping through the fingers of our government but more importantly our churches.
Some have outlived their finances and some have outlived their entire families. Whatever the case the elderly around us need to know the love of Christ and the church is failing in my county to meet these needs. Through caring for Fritzi I had to sign her up for a medicaid affiliated caregiver company which was Public Partnerships and through them we met a wonderful woman, Rima. She was an angel to both of us. After several months Rima admitted that her pay rate from the government didn`t even cover her gas costs as she was traveling throughout 4 counties to meet with clients. She had a huge hard for the needy and for the elderly and was doing this as a second job, really as a volunteer project. Rima informed me on several occasions that I wouldn't believe how many elderly living in my community that could not afford any care and had no family and were dying from common diseases simply because no one cared.
So this all leads me to Adopt a Grandparent. I wish I had a million dollars and could obtain free care and loving servants to visit with these lonely and impoverished elderly around me. But because I do not Adopt a Grandparent is just my little way of loving on these people. I am working with Rima to chose a minimum of 65 elderly who need these services. Last year I reached many more elderly but not many of them were actually severely impoverished. This year with Rima`s help I will be able to reach the ones who really have no one. Some will wish to remain anonymous and Rima will deliver their gifts but those that don`t I plan to personally deliver gifts to hoping to also spend some time with them this Christmas season.
If you are reading this I challenge you to donate. And even more I challenge you to get involved in your local elderly population whether it means volunteering, cooking meals, praying with them, whatever it may look like in your life. The widows and the destitute are waiting for your love, waiting to see Christ in you.
Isaiah 1:17
Learn to do good; Seek justice, Reprove the ruthless, Defend the orphan, Plead for the widow.
See fundraiser here:
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