Thank You
Ruth 1:8
... May the Lord reward you for your kindness ...
There are so many people I want to say thank you to. Maybe I have already thanked you and told you how much your support has meant to me, but I think you deserve to hear it again, to be reminded of what you have done for the Lord through supporting me.
Thank you mom. Thank you for giving up your entire life to just be by my side. Thank you for trusting God with your fears and worries and standing strong and firm in faith. Thank you for never giving up and never walking away from me. Thank you mom for forgiving me. Even seeing you last weekend brings memories of how hateful and angry I was towards you at times. And yet you just keep loving me. I don`t understand it. But I want you to know I am forever thankful.
Thank you daddy. Thank you for being our rock and steadfast foundation. Thank you for supporting me financially through school and doctors appointments and medications and counseling. Thank you for being mom`s rock and supporting her to leave you and come and serve me for so long. Thank you for supporting her financially through her travels and her stay. Thank you that you never change and that day to day we can always depend on you to be the best father you can be.
Thank you Josie. Thank you for calling nearly every day to check on me. But more importantly to check on mom and to always let her talk and express herself to someone who was willing to listen and provide encouragement. Thanks for being so close even when you were far away.
Thank you coffee ladies. You are prayer warriors like I have never known before. Thank you for being mom and I`s prayer warriors and never stopping to lift us up before the Lord and beg for his healing and comfort. Thank you for continuously serving and supporting in your prayers.
Thank you BCF friends and professors and friends. Thank you for trying your hardest to understand and meet me in my situation. Thank you for your support and your prayers which I know the Lord has heard.
Thank you Dr. Murdoch and my counselor. Your brains and experience were one of the major keys to my healing. God used your wisdom and your patience over the past year and a half to bring so much good. I can`t thank you enough.
To each and every one of you, thank you. May the Lord richly bless you even today for your love, prayers, and support.
The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
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