Lake Erie-Canada |
So the first stop is down. Niagara falls was incredible. We lucked out and have had great weather wherever we have gone. We passed through Niagara spending the afternoon there, taking the Maid of the Mist ferry, and hiking all around the national park. It was gorgeous. My favorite part was the intense, strong wings all around us as we walked and hiked. I could literally feel the Holy Spirit around me, and that I love. After the falls we crossed through the canadian border and headed south towards Lake Erie. We stopped first at the information center, met a woman from Virginia who took our picture, and then changed some currency for the campground. We found a great campsite right along the lake and got some advice from Tom the Canadian who told us to pitch our tent right near the water and as long as we got up with the sun we wouldn`t have to pay for the site. It was perfect. We set up our tent, made a campfire and some Essen, and then played guitar, sang, and read from John and the Psalms. A perfect night.
Maid of the Mist tour |
The next morning we headed towards the US/Canadian border after stopping at Laramy`s for a quick native Canadian breakfast. We finally crossed the bridge into detroit and back into customs. We were almost arrested at the border when Claus and Christoph decided to switch drivers, and Claus took a picture. The guards came running out, "Put your hands on the dash, give me that camera." We were only laughing. It was hilarious. They yelled a little, deleted the picture, and all was over. Except everyone starring at us thinking we were criminals or something. Then we kept on, headed to Ann Arbor, MI where we Kayaked on the Huron river for a few hours. It was beautiful. As we headed there, a lightbulb went of, and I realized my friend Chris who I served with in Switzerland was only an hour from us, so I called him and we planned to meet and stay at his place that night.
So we packed up, walked around downtown Ann Arbor for a while, and then headed to Lansing to see Chris. Once there we swam in the fancy apartment pools, had a barbeque with some med student friends of his, played some guitar, and then watched Despicable me. I slept the best I have in several nights, which was wonderful! Then we were daring and ate vegetarian bacon and sausage for breakfast (fake stuff) which was definitely an experience. We had a great time there, and I was so glad to get to see Chris, even for a short time! Today we are headed on to Chicago where we will spend today and tomorrow. We are all looking forward to many more adventures. Keep praying for all our hearts to be softened and that we would truly love one another well and that I especially would shine Jesus to these friends of mine, and they would have a continued growing desire to know God and to know His word.
INCREDIBLE!!!! bahhhhhh. enjoy every second of these adventures.