Trusting you
"It is a safe thing to trust Him to fulfill the desires which He creates"
-Amy Carmichael
I am completely convinced that these feelings I cannot shake are proving to be desires which He has given. I know I don`t identify with the American culture I live in, but what is growing is this burning desire to go. This burning desire to serve the least of these. This burning desire to make this life that is but a breath worth what it is called to.
In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.
-1 Corinthians 9:14
Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ... -Philippians 1:27
The more I read these words, the more I look at the life of Christ Jesus MY LORD, the LORD of my life, my heart burns to go. Jesus came. Jesus made his life and dwelling among us, so that we would know him. So that we would experience him. So that we would see him and believe him.
I know He is calling me to go. I know He is telling me that my destiny will be similar to His. I can`t ignore this call, I can`t ignore His voice. Lord Jesus help me to discern where you are calling me. Lord I have left parts of my heart all over this world, among the people whom you have created and placed in my life. Jesus I know you are everywhere and you long for restoration and healing in all places, among every soul. You are the God of the nations. You are all to us. Lord God help me see where you are calling me to go and dwell. Lord if it be Zambia, then give me your grace and your strength to obey and follow that call. Lord if it be somewhere I haven`t heard anything about and don`t know about, teach me even still to obey you.
I trust you to fulfill these burning, these growing desires. Lord I want to live by the gospel. Lord I want my life to be worthy of the gospel of Christ Jesus my LORD. My SAVIOR. You gave teach me to do the same.
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