My heart for Iran
Since August of 2009 meeting Atieh, my Iranian language, has my widened my perspective and altered my heart in so many ways.
God has continuously put Muslim people and the country of Iran on my heart. Dr. Yousefi, a native Iranian, teaches my class this fall on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In September The Traveling Team came to InterVarsity at Virginia Tech and shared about the 10/40 window and their heart to mobilize followers of Christ to go to the people who don’t hear the name Jesus. Tears ran down my face when the screen lit up the country of Iran.
God has continuously put Muslim people and the country of Iran on my heart. Dr. Yousefi, a native Iranian, teaches my class this fall on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In September The Traveling Team came to InterVarsity at Virginia Tech and shared about the 10/40 window and their heart to mobilize followers of Christ to go to the people who don’t hear the name Jesus. Tears ran down my face when the screen lit up the country of Iran.
There is truth to the political unrest between Iran and the United States, and that Ahmadinejad is extreme. But I have come to learn many of the people are oppressed because of the government. And they way Americans see them is not true to who they are. Atieh and my professor alike have explained how living in Iran made them deeply question their beliefs in Allah, and made it harder for them to grapple with. Since moving to the USA both of them have changed their views towards Islam. Several of Atieh`s family members had to flee Iran for supporting democracy during the revolution.
My heart is broken over it. These people who are “protected” from hearing the name of Jesus or the word Christian. These people who are politically, and most importantly spiritually confined to their governments every wish. Every time I talk with Atieh I pray for this country, and for the people there. I pray that there would be Christians who God calls and strengthens to go and proclaim the name of Jesus to them, no matter what the costs. I pray I would be open to how God is calling me to act in regards to what he is teaching me and the desires he is placing on my heart.
Oh Lord Jesus may you break the barriers in Iran. Lord Jesus may you break open the eyes and hearts of so many Christians who don’t see or care about the need. Lord Jesus may we pray boldly that this time of captivity may end and your name be made famous among the Iranian people. Lord Jesus send “Daniels” into this foreign land taken captive by pagans to praise and glorify your Holy name. Lord God break my heart for these people, break my heart that the Gospel may be known to them, especially the many on campus here at VT.

Lord God in your creative design give me ways to minister and love my professor, Atieh, and all the Iranians in Blacksburg. Lord God provide ministry and biblical teaching for them to learn and grow in their knowledge of who you are, and what you have done for them. Father God reveal to each of them your fatherly love for them and for their country, for all the oppressed. Lord God in your sovereignty rule over this situation and over the fears and desires of my heart, and guide all of us to trust you for salvation. Your salvation that is for all peoples, nations, tribes, and tongues. May you be made famous by our lives through the Gospel, everywhere.
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